We’re going to build an interactive menu that will display ten pages from my sketchbook. One downside of complicated, rich Flash interfaces is that they are often very tedious to update. So, the primary aim of this menu (after making it work well and look dead sexy) is to use as few movie clips as possible and make full use of ActionScript so our lives become easier in the long run. A beneficial by-product of economic interfacing and dynamic ActionScript, as opposed to hard coding, is small file size. I will walk you through building this menu step by step, breaking down each step into three parts. I’ll and describe my intentions for this menu, show you all the code, and then translate it into plain English. You can find the completed files elsewhere on this CD. These are ten menu items we’re going to work with: Efudex Plendil Felbatol Gonal-F Polypred Floxic-Otin Propulsid Mintezol Nebupent Liquabid